Latimer Road Elementary School

Dear Surrey Firefighters,

We are students from Latimer Road Elementary and we would like to thank you for making a difference!  Our class read an article about the Surrey Fire Fighters School Nutritional Program and we appreciate that you are helping hungry children in our community.  We are children who would like to contribute to your cause.   Our class read about firefighters who donated their time, community members who donated money and companies who donated food.  We felt proud and hopeful that kids in need are being cared for.  After reading about the School Nutritional Program, our class talked about how we could also assist.  We have decided that we would like to help out by collecting donations from our community and we could also donate snacks and drinks for you to deliver to schools.  Thank you for recognizing that children require healthy meals.  We are deeply grateful for people like you who bring awareness to our community and motivate others to support worthy causes.        Sincerely and gratefully, Division 1, Latimer Road Elementary School