Protect Yourself . . . Stop Fires Before They Start
Smoke Detectors Can Save Your Life
To be safe from fire in your home, everyone, and especially seniors, should have a smoke detector on every level of the house. And, remember, smoke detectors only work if their batteries are good. Be sure to change the batteries in your smoke detectors when you change your clocks twice a year.
Simple planning can help you and your loved ones stay safe from home fires.
- Install and maintain smoke detectors. Check detectors every month and change batteries twice a year.
Do you know what to do if you hear a smoke detector?
- Proceed to the nearest exit and leave the building in a calm manner.
- Public places such as schools and hotels have clearly marked exits and exit routes. Take a few minutes to look at the posted fire exit information. If you do not understand what the signs say, ask an adult to explain them to you.
- When you are at home it is important to know two exits out of every room.
- Practice exit drills with your family and follow your plan
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